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Cub Scouts complain about Cedar Fort roads

By Linda Petersen
On March 21, Cedar Fort officials had a visit from local Cub Scouts who brought their scooters with them. Ryan Stark told the town council that since the town chip sealed the roads, the roads are too rough and the kids cannot ride their scooters to school. City officials explained that the town didn't have funds to pave the road and that chip sealing them was the only option.
Clarence Ault also complained about the roads and said his road was falling apart and that he had put his own money into it. Next time he has to do so, he is going to bill the town, he said. Councilwoman Ellen told Ault the road in question is high on the town's priority list.
The town will get be getting a refund of $15,000 because the sheriff's department accidentally overbilled the town by two hours per week.
The town council voted to have software provider Casselle take over operation of the town treasurer's position.
The council also voted to have all town ordinances put on the town website.
The community news source for Eagle Mountain Utah, Saratoga Springs Utah, Lehi Utah, American Fork Utah, Highland Utah, Alpine Utah, and The Cedar Valley, including Cedar Fort Utah and Fairfield Utah. Copyright 2024 The Crossroads Journal LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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