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Beyond 'Calm down': Teaching kids to calm themselves

By Celeste Bingham
We all have experience at some time with spicy or intense kids. It's important to understand how to help them calm down, while teaching them tactics to calm themselves.

We as adults understand the concept of "calm down," but the kiddos in our life do not. I know for me, and I would bet for a lot of you, when your child starts to scream or react physically, an immediate response of ours is to say, "Calm down." It should be no big surprise it doesn't work. Here are some helpful tips for you to help them achieve calm, rather than asking them to do so on their own.

First, start by saying, "I see you are having a difficult time, let me help you." This is validating their emotions and creating a safe place. Don't be afraid to label the emotion, such as, "I see you are mad."

Second, have the child breathe with you. Breathe in for five and out five. Do this at least five times. If they need more, keep going. This creates a tool for the child to use when you are not around and they are starting to feel out of control.

Here are some other alternatives to the phrase "calm down":
  • I see that you are mad, how does that feel in your body?
  • Let's count to 10.
  • Want to squeeze my hand?
  • Let's take a minute by ourselves to calm our anger.
  • I hear what you are saying, but I don't like to be yelled at.
  • Let's focus on fixing the problem together.
  • If you are feeling sad, you can tell me about it.

Most importantly, plan for next time. Use phrases like, "How can we make it better next time?" or, "If that happens again, what can you do instead of throwing something?"

Parenting is hard and at times you will want to yell, "Calm down." Remember, not only will these skills be useful for your kid, you can also practice them for yourself.
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