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The Crossroads Journal

Cedar Hills inventories its roads

By Linda Petersen
Cedar Hills — City officials have come up with a plan to manage the city's pavement system, or street network, within the community. The hope is that by inventorying those pavements, they can be better maintained in a more cost-effective way and problems can be addressed quickly.

The city recently contracted with iWorQ Systems Inc. to update their pavement management process. They presented their report to the city council on Oct. 17.

Local governments are required by law to maintain an inventory of their street network. The total miles of asphalt streets inventoried in Cedar Hills was 27.65 total miles. The study calculated it would cost about $24 million to replace them all at today's prices.

According to the report, the street network in Cedar Hills "is in ok condition and is well managed." The average Remaining Service Life (RSL) for the entire Cedar Hills City street network is 10.76 years, although 43.4 percent of streets have a 12-year RSL.

The report recommends that the city add at least add a 1-2-inch overlay or totally replace 8.7 percent of the streets that have less than six years of life remaining. It also suggests the city focuses its road budget on preventative maintenance and rehabilitation and chip seal every street that has an RSL of 6 to 12 over the next five years.
The community news source for Eagle Mountain Utah, Saratoga Springs Utah, Lehi Utah, American Fork Utah, Highland Utah, Alpine Utah, and The Cedar Valley, including Cedar Fort Utah and Fairfield Utah. Copyright 2024 The Crossroads Journal LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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