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Highland sets up cemetery perpetual care fund

By Linda Petersen
Highland City has increased its cemetery fees. Beginning July 1, those wishing to inter their loved ones in the Highland City Cemetery will pay 3 percent more.

City officials say this is necessary to help set up a perpetual care fund for the cemetery. Currently all cemetery expenses, including maintenance, are paid for out of revenues from plot sales and burial fees. While that revenue is currently more than the cemetery's expenses, the administration is concerned that once all the plots are sold, there will be no funding for the cemetery except to draw it from the city's general fund. A perpetual care fund could at least partially address that issue, they say.

Beginning in July, there will be an annual 3 percent increase on plot fees, which city officials hope will cover inflation and other cemetery expenses.

Matt Mills of Zions Bank, who researched the issue for the city council, recommended that 10 percent of the cemetery fund should be paid for by general fund contributions for maintenance costs, and 25 percent for capital expenses.

Currently, the cemetery fund is repaying the general fund for land acquisition. Those payments should be complete in 2026.

With the fee change, a burial plot for a Highland resident will increase from $985 to $1,015 and a plot for non-residents will increase from $1,375 to $1,416 $41.

Burial fees are not going up, although Mills recommended they be looked at every three to five years to see if they need to be increased.
The community news source for Eagle Mountain Utah, Saratoga Springs Utah, Lehi Utah, American Fork Utah, Highland Utah, Alpine Utah, and The Cedar Valley, including Cedar Fort Utah and Fairfield Utah. Copyright 2024 The Crossroads Journal LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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