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Historic Lehi-Fairfield Road renamed Fairfield Road

By Chanel Nagaishi
Saratoga Springs - Following an impassioned discussion at the July 18 city council meeting, Saratoga Springs City Council members unanimously voted to change the name of the historic Lehi-Fairfield Road to Fairfield Road.

Confusion amongst emergency service providers influenced the proposed name change. According to Jess Campbell, Fire Chief, three roads in the area have the name Lehi attached, which causes "confusion and issues" when dispatching services. He elaborated that workers have to rely on cell phone pings to determine location, which causes delays.

A number of residents of Lehi-Fairfield Road attended the hearing and voiced their concerns about the change. Hassles with alerting others about their amended addresses and the city's lack of respect for the historical significance of the road were among the complaints. A couple of citizens specifically refuted claims that they had ever experienced delays in emergency services.

Initially, the city council proposed changing the name to Antelope Way, but modified the name after receiving multiple criticisms. Residents cited the lack of antelope in the area and the fact that antelope are considered a nuisance as basis for their distaste of the proposed name.

Once the public hearing was closed, Mayor Miller took responsibility for the resolution. Council members discussed the feedback and modified the proposal to dropping Lehi and simply renaming the road Fairfield Road. The majority of Lehi-Fairfield Road residents in attendance supported this change. The council ultimately voted in favor of the motion, 4 to 0.
The community news source for Eagle Mountain Utah, Saratoga Springs Utah, Lehi Utah, American Fork Utah, Highland Utah, Alpine Utah, and The Cedar Valley, including Cedar Fort Utah and Fairfield Utah. Copyright 2024 The Crossroads Journal LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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